Psychology and Speech Therapy

Addressing any difficulties that a child may encounter in their development or learning stage as early as possible is essential.

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Psychology and Speech Therapy - BabyNetOnline

Psychology and Speech Therapy Clinic

We offer a psychology and speech therapy service

Babynet has an EXTERNAL PSYCHOLOGY AND SPEECH THERAPY SERVICE available for the parents of our little ones to turn to when needed. In the event of any difficulties in a child’s development or learning stage, parents can access the most suitable professional advice and guidance, as well as the follow-up of the potential therapeutic program (if necessary) right here at our own center.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive service that encompasses a wide range of benefits of a very high standard.

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Curso 2024-2025

Solicita tu plaza subvencionada

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951 022 323 | 685 873 532

Con comedor: 321€
Sin comedor: 240€

School year 2023-2024

Apply for your subsidized spot

More information

951 022 323 | 685 873 532

Dining service included: 321€
Dining service not included: 240€