Educational project

The first years in a child’s life are crucial for the subsequent development of all their facets.

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Educational project - BabyNetOnline

Our educational project

Our educational project places special importance on the initiation into a second language: English.

It is during these moments that the foundations of their future personality are laid, and therefore, early stimulation is essential to help the child discover their potential and acquire the necessary skills to navigate independently in their immediate environment.

At Babynet, learning and stimulating English as a second language is a very important pillar, as it is indispensable in our modern days.
Babies and children learn their native language by listening to words, phrases, songs, and stories repeatedly. This way, our students learn English easily.

The purpose of including English as a second language in our educational project is none other than to introduce the youngest to this language and foster their interest in learning it.

Routines and Games

Our educational proposal revolves primarily around routines and games. Their daily routines and play are the activities that make up their everyday life, their way of living, growing, and, therefore, learning.

Children's Yoga

El equilibrio y la armonía que proporciona el YOGA constituyen la mejor base para que los pequeños disfruten de una vida adulta alegre y saludable.

The Teachers

Our bilingual teachers work based on a class program where students have diverse age-appropriate activities, vocabulary related to their surroundings, songs, and English intelligence bits.

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Curso 2024-2025

Solicita tu plaza subvencionada

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951 022 323 | 685 873 532

Con comedor: 321€
Sin comedor: 240€

School year 2023-2024

Apply for your subsidized spot

More information

951 022 323 | 685 873 532

Dining service included: 321€
Dining service not included: 240€